Saturday, May 12, 2012

Fending off the paparazzi

Asher hit the big time today.  I woke up to find this on the front page of Haywood County's newspaper:

One of our co-workers entered Marissa in a Mother's Day contest on Facebook.  For having the most likes of her pictures, she won the grand prize of an article about her and Asher in today's paper.  Other than the ironically placed article about child hunger (see below) next to Asher, it was a really nice, well written and aptly titled article.

We've had two very important days to finish out this week. During the day yesterday, Asher took five, then ten, then fifteen milliliters of milk from a bottle. The last of these was the first chance I've had to feed him:

After we left yesterday, he decided to blow those numbers out of the water, taking 70 milliliters - an entire feeding. This morning, he first managed thirty, then seventy, then another thirty milliliters for his mom this evening. It seems that Asher likes to eat about as much as his dad does.

I haven't heard this from anyone at the hospital, but at the rate Asher's going, I would not be surprised if he were home toward the end of next week. Maybe that's wishful thinking, but we have been told that the main thing keeping us from beginning our transition is Marissa's pumping pains.  Once that clears up, we'll be able to try moving from the bottle to the real thing.


My sister left last night after spending two days slaving in our kitchen, packing our freezer with squash and sage lasagna, stuffed peppers, and sweet potato shepherd's pie. She also took great care of Marissa, who's been miserable at certain points with mastitis and thrush. At the same time, my dad unexpectedly popped in for a visit yesterday to meet his first grandson. Every now and then, I'll get a call from him that starts something like, "Hey, what are you doing in a couple hours? I'll be flying through Asheville." He's a pilot, so that's a very literal statement, and his job enables him to pop in from all the way from Ohio every so often.

Marlin White is not an emotional creature. I inherited many things from him, but my empathic and emotionally therapeutic abilities were not among of them. He's old school in many ways, whether he's exercising his second amendment rights or sitting at home watching the History Channel in his underwear.

Given this persona, his reaction to Asher's situation has been perhaps the most interesting of anyone in our family. Praise from him needs to be earned, and, like many, he doesn't always know how to approach others going through tough feelings.  This makes messages he's been sending, like the one below, all the more notable:

An experience like this could cause people to grow and change, to do things they hadn't been able to do before. Or, maybe it provides people an opportunity to show sides of themselves that had been there all along.


  1. Love those first feeds! who every would have believed that you could celebrate over a little 15 ml.... i been there... we were so excited the first time Aiden took 5 ml.... and the first time he actually digested it, i thought we were gonna have a party in our little corner of the NICU... So happy for Asher! as a parent, you find yourself so happy about so many things you never thought about before.... like dropper full amounts of milk, and poop... I had someone un-friend me on facebook when Aiden was in the NICU, because i posted how happy i was when he pooped and it didn't have blood in it... who cares though... poop is a good thing! and in a year or so you will find yourself saying something like this... "Asher, hold still or you're gonna get poop in your face!" true story, i really said it, well i said Aiden, not Asher... then a few days later... sure enough, he grabbed the diaper and yanked while we were changing it... and poop... right in the face.... it happens...

  2. I love the nurse's comments! "That's momma's liquid gold there." And then she says you can burp him like "a big old healthy term baby." What a great thing to hear!!

    He looked so happy to be resting on your shoulder, Zach, like he was saying, "I missed you Daddy. Let's cuddle." With him on your shoulder, he looked a lot like you.

    I just love watching these videos. It's so sweet to watch you guys learning his cues, and to see him responding to you. I remember my nephews having a hard time keeping sucking on the bottle, too especially when they were hungry, and it would run down their cheeks. It was sweet to see this, and remind me of the times I've tried to feed them.

    I can't wait to hear the good news that he can come home with you guys!

  3. He is just so beautiful. I cant wait to hold that baby!!!

  4. You and Asher what a pair. I think you are very close to having him at home in his own bed and where he can begin exploring the world and having life experiences.........look out world here comes Asher White.

  5. I love seeing Asher with the bottle!! He looks amazing, keep the updates coming :)as always, positive thoughts are flowing your way! hugs to the family!
